This is my new blog to update whomever is interested on my comings and goings. For the time being I am sure it will be much about the house I just bought. Read, don't read, whatever works for you...I guarantee nothing. :) Cheers!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Oh yea...

I am moving in next week!!! While it's not done, even the unit I am moving into won't be done, I don't care. I am moving in! Just over 2 months of being a homeowner and I finally will be in my home.


We have drywall....this is the ceiling in the living room, that we tore down.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Today, with the walls and trim painted. While the entire room isn't done, it is almost done. What a difference. It's a little more blue than I wanted, I wanted more blue gray, but who cares. It looks so much better. Yea! Posted by Picasa

Yesterday - with a coat of primer. Posted by Picasa

Just for a progression...this is the living room in unit #1. Nice wallpaper - not! Posted by Picasa

By this morning, the bathroom now as a wall, a vinyl foor, a tub, and most of a shower wall. Yea! (I can't wait to have a real bathroom again, Murry's facilities are quite cozy. (translation - small) Posted by Picasa

Remember this bathroom in #1, this is the wall that avalanched down on Dad. Well now it's cleaned up and getting ready. This is yesterday morning, on the left side is the bathtub (with a protective cover) standing on end. Posted by Picasa

Remember this room, we were going to paint over the wallpaper. Nope, it was too loose. So we pulled the paper down to find out that all of the backing stayed on the wall. Drat. So 2-3 hours of yesterday, as soaking and pulling down wallpaper backing. I thought I was done with all of that. Hopefully I really am now. What you see as lines in the walls are the bumps where the lower layers of wallpaper are showing through. (Which I am not taking down.) Posted by Picasa

Attention Houston - we have started painting. This is unit #1, yesterday Bill (the painter) put primer on the liviing room and dining room and did some patch work. Today he is back, painting those two rooms again and starting on the little bedroom. Posted by Picasa

Isn't this beautiful? Big old Maple tree on the margin. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What's up

What isn't? So not a lot of pictures, not a lot of posting, not a lot of time. Work-work has kicked up a notch (or 10) so there hasn't been a lot of work on the house. Which is unfortunate since winter is coming and I live in Michigan. I am still living in Murray (the RV), currently without propane, although I do have an electric space heater. However the propane also heats the water, so no hot water for days now. This morning I microwaved about 5 little bowls of water to get enough to do some wash up. Oh my. This transitional living is wearing thin with the temperature being in the 50s. I am hoping for another week or so of warm.

The house goals have changed. Right now I am just trying to get the rental livable, so I can get moved in before my next trip to OC. Then I can work on my side. Once that is done, I can move over there – then rent out the unit. Whew. So much. I already have made somewhere in the family of a half dozen contractor calls today. Hard to coordinate everyone and everything. I lit the boiler (no forced air system for me) and low and behold it went out. Drat. So now I have to have DTE (gas company) come out and check it out. Guess what they gave me for a window, this Friday from 8am to 8pm. Convenient - I know. And they call ahead, if they go to voicemail, they consider it a cancel and charge you $95. Nice. So the phone has to go everywhere with you. So much for not being the weird person on the phone in the bathroom.

Oh wow... Posted by Picasa

...this is what happens to vegetarians in Vegas.... Posted by Picasa

Check out his crazy painting - it's HUGE! You can see someone standing to the right of it. This is a friend of a friend's work.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lookie - we finally put up something new. I realize it's only 2 lights (the other looks just like this one) - but hey, it's something.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

This is a very shy fireplace. It doesn't work, so it is hidden behind the panel (in the left side of the picture.) I wanted to remove the fireplace, but time is running short, so the mantel and cover are just going back for the time being. Posted by Picasa

Hhhmmm...sometimes you have to put a "vapor barrier" in (otherwise known as plastic.) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Two things regarding insulation:
a) something new for the resume
b) don't wear a tank top when putting it in - makes you itch for 24 hours after

Monday, October 03, 2005

Last week, I learned to put up insulation. We recycled some extra stuff that was in the house. Nice huh? Posted by Picasa

My oldest god-son, Dave, went to Homecoming this weekend with his girlfriend Amanda. Are they a good-looking couple of kids? Posted by Picasa

Just cause I like to give you guys all sorts of fun....this is my god-son Charlie and my baby god-daughter Aleigha. :) Posted by Picasa