This is my new blog to update whomever is interested on my comings and goings. For the time being I am sure it will be much about the house I just bought. Read, don't read, whatever works for you...I guarantee nothing. :) Cheers!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Clearly there is not enough floor space in my 2650 square foot house to allow my cats to not have to cram into their carriers two at a time!! (Calvin & Malcolm pictured here) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh...this is the best picture ever! I didn't realize how much I missed those little guys until I saw this picture. :( Give them good rub downs for me!

8:27 PM

Blogger ZooooM said...

It's cat guilt. They try and make us feel bad for them, even though they are the spoiledest. As it should be.

4:16 PM

Blogger liannallama said...

Oh, they are too dang cute! I lost track of your blog but I finally got back on and caught up last night!

You look fab and the house is really coming along!

9:29 AM


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