This is my new blog to update whomever is interested on my comings and goings. For the time being I am sure it will be much about the house I just bought. Read, don't read, whatever works for you...I guarantee nothing. :) Cheers!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ah the damage...

So after peeling, scraping and steaming wallpaper, I have to question how tough I really am. I thought I was fairly tough, but now, I think no. I worked all weekend on those $^&* walls and they still aren’t done. I hired child-labor and still we have more. (Well teen labor, my godkids, their cousins and one girlfriend.)

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t like chipping tile out of a floor, but it’s still a bear. I mean what person in their right mind would ever take out their own tile. (Oh, sorry A.)

I have scraped knuckles. Jammed wallpaper under my nails until they bled. Run through the house and whipped out on a dustly floor, leaving myslef with 3 nifty bruises (side of my knee and two on my hip.) Luckly no one was there to witness it except Jerome, so it saved some of the bruising of my ego. While Jerome is difficult to get along with, he isn’t one to laugh when a woman takes a nose dive.

Anyway, it’s coming along. More pictures soon. We now see hardwood everywhere and one room is devoid of wallpaper. Yea…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, you know, the first thing i say when telling people about you is "that mc, she needs to be a little bit tougher than she is...she's a delicate, fragile flower that one..."

Seriously...come have to question how tough you really are??? Really??? You've ripped floors up, walls down (or at least their 4003 layers of paper), found new ceiling... know what i would have done? hired people for all of that and taken a vacation. Or, called YOU to help me...but probably have taken a vacation...

How awesoem is it that once you are finished you will be able to say you did it all yourself?!?

so, just shush about the not tough thing. Don't make me come out there...



3:02 PM

Blogger liannallama said...

oh, yea--I bet you were cursing the SOB that painted over the dang wallpaper! I've taken that stuff down before and it was darn near impossible. Hope you didn't have any of the nasty flocked stuff to remove--YUCK!

And geez, I hope you're not getting lead poisoning and cancer from all the paint and asbestos in your old house!

11:01 PM

Blogger ZooooM said...

MC, there are easier ways to clean floors, but sliding around on them is definitely fun.

Tell Jerome to use his pointy head for some removal jobs. That ought to keep him busy for about 5 minutes.

Seriously though, what Skillit said up there. Squared.

10:43 AM


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